Weblogity is an American company based in Fort Lauderdale dedicated to creating and promoting your digital brand through high-end graphic design, web design and digital marketing. Our work for more than 25 years is design with people in mind to make each of our online proposals easy, intuitive, efficient and empathetic to improve the user experience. Additionally, we create the most complete and efficient ecommerce platforms for the online sale of your wholesale and retail products, elevating design concepts to take products to higher levels that reinforce the brand and impact the market. Contact us at www.weblogity.com

digital marketing
strategy is everything

contact us

Digital marketing is based on the collection of information generated by the conjunction of different campaigns that collect data in the niches and demographics identified according to the product or service. Our job is to create a digital community that supports your brand, interacting with them actively but safely.

The segmentation of data into each of the demographics identified for each campaign makes possible continuous analysis that generates the information necessary to produce a successful campaign that reaches the consumer in an effective and personalized way.

To achieve this purpose, we use the most advanced technology and the most complete analysis tools that allow us to identify the consumers who will drive your business to the highest level.

Digital marketing goes beyond budgets, programs and applications, it is intuition, it is strategy, but above all, experience in knowing how to manage all resources and focus them on the precise objective that will make a successful campaign.

Digital Marketing Plan

Weblogity is an American company based in Fort Lauderdale dedicated to creating and promoting your digital brand through high-end graphic design, web design and digital marketing. Our work for more than 25 years is design with people in mind to make each of our online proposals easy, intuitive, efficient and empathetic to improve the user experience. Additionally, we create the most complete and efficient ecommerce platforms for the online sale of your wholesale and retail products, elevating design concepts to take products to higher levels that reinforce the brand and impact the market. Contact us at www.weblogity.com


Starting at
Monthly Payments
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Weblogity is an American company based in Fort Lauderdale dedicated to creating and promoting your digital brand through high-end graphic design, web design and digital marketing. Our work for more than 25 years is design with people in mind to make each of our online proposals easy, intuitive, efficient and empathetic to improve the user experience. Additionally, we create the most complete and efficient ecommerce platforms for the online sale of your wholesale and retail products, elevating design concepts to take products to higher levels that reinforce the brand and impact the market. Contact us at www.weblogity.com


Starting at
Monthly Payments
Talk to an Expert
Weblogity is an American company based in Fort Lauderdale dedicated to creating and promoting your digital brand through high-end graphic design, web design and digital marketing. Our work for more than 25 years is design with people in mind to make each of our online proposals easy, intuitive, efficient and empathetic to improve the user experience. Additionally, we create the most complete and efficient ecommerce platforms for the online sale of your wholesale and retail products, elevating design concepts to take products to higher levels that reinforce the brand and impact the market. Contact us at www.weblogity.com

Digital Marketing Includes

See Following Points

eMail Campaign

Weblogity Email Marketing is a type of direct digital marketing method that uses emails to interact with a company, brand or campaign's audience. Email marketing is the use of email within your marketing efforts to promote a company's products or services, as well as to encourage customer loyalty. Email marketing is a form of marketing that can inform customers on your email list about new products, discounts, and other services. It can also be a softer sell to educate your audience about the value of your brand or keep them interested between purchases. A McKinsey study found that email is almost 40 times more effective than Twitter and Facebook combined at attracting new customers. One of the best features of an email marketing service is its ability to segment your mailing list into specialized groups. The Weblogity Email Marketing includes:

Demographic Targeting Set Up
Demographic Management
Demographics Competitor Analysis
Database Creation
Database Segmentation
Database Management
100% Custom Email Design
100% Custom Graphic Design
100% Custom Copywriting
100% Custom Marketing and SEO Tools
100% Custom Landing Page
100% Custom User Experience Design
Promotion & Track Calendar / Events
Setup & Sending
Email Automation
Reputation Control (Crisis Management)
Spam / Comments Monitoring
Data Collections
Data Analisys
Data Management

Direct Mail Campaign

Weblogity Direct Mail Marketing is a unique form of advertising that reaches a captive audience pre-segmented in a database by zip codes and sent via USPS, from mailbox to front door. This type of marketing campaign only has a few seconds to capture a person's attention, so we design in an impactful way to captivate the audience with concise messages and relevant images, creating a piece that flows and attracts attention. Even better, your article could convert leads into customers. Direct mail involves sending printed materials to potential and existing customers via USPS physical mail. A correct marketing campaign sends postcards, brochures, catalogs and letters with the expectation of the customer's reaction: going to a website, making a call, visiting a place or simply a positive emotion. The Weblogity Direct Mail Marketing service includes:

Demographic Targeting Set Up
Demographic Management
Demographics Competitor Analysis
Database Creation
Database Segmentation
Database Management
100% Custom Mailing Design
100% Custom Graphic Design
100% Custom Copywriting
100% Custom Marketing and SEO Tools
100% Custom Lading Page
100% Custom User Experience Design
100% Custom Strategy
Promotion & Track Calendar / Events
USPS Setup & Sending
Reputation Control (Crisis Management)
Data Collections
Data Analisys
Data Management

Social Media Campaign

Weblogity Social Media Marketing Campaign will create a digital community that supports your brand, your products and services, and interact with them actively but safely. Providing trust, information and, above all, seriousness that generates interest in each of the publications. Informing about promotions, events, special dates, discounts and knowledge about the work you promote. Quality content will set the tone and the growth of your Social Networks. Motivating your followers to buy your products and project your image positively within the digital community. At the end of the day, they should be seen as vital support for the projection of your business. Our purpose is to create a significant number of followers on each of the Social Networks, intelligent followers, who give their opinions and adopt comments and ideas about what we are offering online. And above all, that interaction that allows us to evaluate the quality of the products and services offered until we adapt them to the particular needs of the market. The Weblogity Social Media Marketing Campaign service includes:

Accounts Setup
Demographic Targeting Set Up
Demographic Management
Brand Reputation Analysis
Demographics Competitor Analysis
Ads Budget Management Meta + Instagram + Twiter + YouTube + LinkedIn + Pinterest + TikTop
Influencer Campaigns
Audit + Recommendations
100% Custom Branding Design
100% Custom Graphic Design
100% Custom Copywriting
100% Custom Marketing and SEO Tools
100% Custom Lading Page
100% Custom User Experience Design
100% Custom Strategy
Promotion & Track Calendar / Events
Headshot Photoshoot
Personality Photoshoot
Events Photographer
Events Videographer
Products Photography
Products Video
Social Media Marketplace
Interaction With Followers
Spam / Comments Monitoring
Reputation Control (Crisis Management)
Data Collections
Data Analisys
Data Management

Google Ads Campaign

Weblogity Google Ads Campaign is essential to awaken people's interest in the product or service that we are showing. As is done in email marketing and direct mail, Weblogity develops a demographic that is specific enough to focus the campaign effort on a particular community. In this case, we can design the campaign to reach only residents of the zip codes and geographic areas of interest. Then the graphic design, content and languages ​​will be carried out depending on the community where we are focused, this must be accompanied by excellent images and quality videos no longer than 30 seconds, information that attracts the viewer and takes them to the destination page. These digital campaigns should cover search engines like Google and video channels like YouTube. These campaigns require constant monitoring and updates until the platform's algorithm adjusts to our purpose of generating new leads. Weblogity Google Ads Campaign service includes:

Account Setup
Account Business Content Development
Verification Video Record
Products / Maketlace
Campaigns Set Up
Google Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
Demographic Targeting Set Up
Demographic Management
Design / Build Custom Made Google Ad
Campaign Strategy
100% Custom Graphic Design
100% Custom Copywriting
100% Custom Marketing and SEO Tools
Data Collections
Data Analisys
Data Management

Graphic Design

Weblogity Graphic Design Service is tailored to the product or service we are promoting. We take care of every detail, identifying the information collected from the demographics that inspire us in designing the image, content and messages that will be used in the campaign and specifically for each community. Having the responsibility of interpreting everything that may be attractive to captivate the attention of those who receive the information through all the digital and conventional media that we use. The graphic design service covers all the graphic, digital, printed and collateral design needs of the campaign, using the best technologies and the best materials to project the image of quality, credibility and desire that will convert leads into new customer. Weblogity Graphic Design Service includes:

100% Custom Graphic Design
Brand Campaign Identity
Trade Show Displays
Street Sign
Large Format Printing
Posters / Banners
Postcards / Flyers
Postcard Mailing
Business Cards
Promotional Giveaways
Collateral Merchandise

Web Design

Weblogity Website Design and Development Services are based on the creation and correct projection of the digital image that supports your company. Your seriousness, confidence and professionalism must be projected in the first seconds that the visitor enters that website. That is why we offer what is necessary in design, development and continuous maintenance, based on web design with people in mind to make each of our online proposals easy, intuitive, efficient and empathetic to improve the user experience. In addition, all marketing campaigns point to it, its landing pages, the squareCode, contact forms, in English and Spanish, so its robustness is essential to support the entire Digital Marketing campaign. Weblogity Website Design and Development Services includes:

100% Custom Web Design
Tailor-Made Without Templates
Developed in Webflow
CMS / Content Managers
Responsive Design
100% Custom User Experience Design

SEO / Search Engine Optimization

Weblogity CEO / Search Engine Optimization Service makes your web development VISIBLE to the whole world or at least to the segment, niche or demographic selected for your type of business, product or service. How this is achieved is the impeccable development of each of the parts and pieces that make up your web development and that begins with the correct design and development of your Website that includes impeccable content, identification of images, titles, subtitles, links, correct assignment . . of URLs, page names, use of keywords appropriately and in context, and a long etc., etc. which in our case, is included in each of the web developments that we carry out for our clients. A correct development of SEO results in your website, progressively and in the medium and long term, being positioned and VISIBLE to the universe of people who browse the web, but you must also be very clear, it will never be a substitute . The marketing campaign you decide to carry out, on the contrary, will be the perfect basis for that advertising to have better results, since it is working on a solid foundation that makes your website VISIBLE, depending on your budget, in a short term. Weblogity CEO / Search Engine Optimization Service includes:

SEO Copywriting
SEO Meta Description
Open Graph Image
Open Graph Title
Open Graph Description
Sitemap Indexing
Site Search Image
Site Search Title
Site Search Description
Aset Detail
Alt Text
301 redirects management
404 Utility Pages

Data Management

Weblogity Data Management Sevcice achieves the goal of digital marketing is to generate enough data to be measured and evaluated to make decisions regarding the focus of each commercial campaign. From demographics to traffic in digital media and measurable results in conventional media will be used to base the decision making on the continuity of the campaign or any modification, update or adjustment that is necessary for a better result. The constant management of this data is essential to achieve a successful objective in terms of information management. The daily analysis is the basis for readjusting the campaigns, their contents, designs and objectives in addition to how much the budget assigned to each of them will be. Weblogity Data Management Sevcice includes:

Demographic Data Collections
Demographic Data Analisys
Social Media Sector Data Analysis
Social Media Competitor Analysis
Social Media Campaign Data Analysis
Site Traffic Report Analysis
Traffic Report Analysis
Database Purchase
eMail Campaign Data Analisys
Direct Mail Data Analisys
Goole Ads Data Analisys
Radio Campaign Data Analisys
Tv Spot Campaign Data Analisys
Streaming Campaign Data Analisys
Media Print Campaign Data Analisys

Creative / Marketing Director

Weblogity has the best creative team in Florida and one of the best in the US. Weblogity assigns a Creative Director to lead each campaign, being responsible for conceptualizing a client's ideas and projecting them through their team in a successful campaign. He is the point that amalgamates everything necessary to carry out a project. It is like the conductor of an orchestra who synchronizes each musician with each instrument, each instrument with the score and each score with the baton that in the hands of the director seeks to interpret as best as possible what the author of the work, in this case the client, . , he wants to project. They are challenges that require the participation of specialized personnel, each in their work area to achieve the satisfactory result that the client expects. The Webloity Creative - Marketing Director service includes:

sConceptualization - Customer's Ideas Review
Building and leading members’s creative team
Brand’s Target Audience
Inspirational Research
Vision + Purpose + Goals 
Scopes vs. Expectations
Business Plan Review
Budgets Reviews
Dates & Goals Planning 
Norms & Processes
Creative Concept Creation
Development - Customer's Material Review
Name Vs Availability Selection
Brand Review & Creation
Corporate Identity Design
Digital Image & Printed Material
Approval Design & Contents
Suppliers Review & Selection
Branding = Vision + Purpose + Goals
Key Issues
Strategies Definitions
Research Brands / Niche
Media & Platforms Advertising
Execute & Measure
Kickoff Meeting

Add-On Service

Our work team has the knowledge to create a product from scratch to project your brand and digital marketing. These skills as well as product photography, video production, television commercials, radio commercials, print media and the entire development of a marketing campaign are budgeted separately per client request. Database AcquisitionDigital Advertising SpaceTV Advertising SpaceRadio Advertising SpacePrint Advertising SpacePrinted materialTravel expenses

Lead Database Acquisition
USPS Mail Direct Services
Google Ads
Print Material
Tv Advertising Space
Radio Advertising Space
Newspaper Advertising Spacee
Magazine Advertising Space
Others Advertising Space
BillBoard Advertising
City Transit Buses Advertising
City Street Advertising
Aerial Advertising & Airplane Banners
Billbord Boat Advertising
Video Productions
Photoshoot Session
Drone Operator
Makeup Artists
Hair Style Artists
Costume designer
Products Release
Press Release
Pre-Production Video: Researching + Storyboarding + Scripting + Casting Calls + Auditions + Talents + Location
Production Video: Producer + Director of Photography + Main Camera Operator + Assistant Camera Operator + Field Audio Engineer + Gaffer + Grip + Drone Operator + Production Assistant + Makeup Artists + Hair Style Artists + Costume Artists
Post-Production Video: Editing + Sound mixing + Detail At + Distributing
Events, Parties, Galas, Fashion Shows, Trade Show, Fundraising Production


Weblogity does everything possible to make our clients feel comfortable and secure in the development of their projects. We provide the necessary guidance to understand the processes and concepts, describing every detail and offering the assurance that they are supported at all times by the best human team and the most advanced technology.

Testing Evaluation
Budget Management
Analytics and Reporting Tools
Software & Hardware Certified
30 Day Assesment and Updates
One Year Development
24/7 Technical Support
100% Made in US

Others Services

Weblogity is an American company based in Fort Lauderdale dedicated to creating and promoting your digital brand through high-end graphic design, web design and digital marketing. Our work for more than 25 years is design with people in mind to make each of our online proposals easy, intuitive, efficient and empathetic to improve the user experience. Additionally, we create the most complete and efficient ecommerce platforms for the online sale of your wholesale and retail products, elevating design concepts to take products to higher levels that reinforce the brand and impact the market. Contact us at www.weblogity.com


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Weblogity is an American company based in Fort Lauderdale dedicated to creating and promoting your digital brand through high-end graphic design, web design and digital marketing. Our work for more than 25 years is design with people in mind to make each of our online proposals easy, intuitive, efficient and empathetic to improve the user experience. Additionally, we create the most complete and efficient ecommerce platforms for the online sale of your wholesale and retail products, elevating design concepts to take products to higher levels that reinforce the brand and impact the market. Contact us at www.weblogity.com


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